React Data Grid

Custom Detail

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When a Master Row is expanded, the grid uses the default Detail Cell Renderer to create and display the Detail Grid inside one row of the Master Grid. You can provide a custom Detail Cell Renderer to display something else if the default Detail Cell Renderer doesn't do what you want.

Configure the grid to use a custom Detail Cell Renderer using the grid property detailCellRenderer.

// normally left blank, the grid will use the default Detail Cell Renderer
const detailCellRenderer = 'myCellRendererComp';

// params sent to the Detail Cell Renderer, in this case your MyCellRendererComp
const detailCellRendererParams = {};


The Detail Cell Renderer should be a Cell Renderer component. See Cell Renderer on how to build and register a Cell Renderer with the grid.

To get refresh working smoothly on a custom Detail Component set the grid option reactiveCustomComponents.

The following examples demonstrate minimalist custom Detail Cell Renderer. Note that where a Detail Grid would normally appear, only the message "My Custom Detail" is shown.

Custom Detail With Form

It is not mandatory to display a grid inside the detail section. As you are providing a custom component, there are no restrictions as to what can appear inside the custom component.

This example shows a custom Detail Cell Renderer that uses a form rather than a grid.

Custom Detail With Grid

It is possible to provide a Custom Detail Grid that does a similar job to the default Detail Cell Renderer. This example demonstrates displaying a custom grid as the detail.

Register Detail Grid

In order for the Detail Grid's API to be available via the Master Grid as explained in Accessing Detail Grids, a Grid Info object needs to be registered with the Master Grid.

When the Detail Grid is created, register it via masterGridApi.addDetailGridInfo(id, info) and when the Detail Grid is destroyed, unregister it via masterGridApi.removeDetailGridInfo(id). A Detail ID is required when calling these methods. Any unique ID can be used, however for consistency with how the default Detail Cell Renderer works it's recommended to use the ID of the detail Row Node.

// Register with Master Grid
const detailId =;

// Create Grid Info object
const detailGridInfo = {
    id: detailId,
    api: params.api,

this.masterGridApi.addDetailGridInfo(detailId, detailGridInfo);

// Unregister with Master Grid


If the grid option reactiveCustomComponents is enabled, when data is updated in the grid using Transaction Updates, Detail Cell Renderers will be refreshed with updated props.

If reactiveCustomComponents is not enabled, Detail Cell Renderers will be destroyed and recreated on update, unless the refresh() method is implemented (via useImperativeHandle) and returns true. This behaviour is deprecated, and in v32, reactiveCustomComponents will default to true.

The example below demonstrates Detail Cell Renderers refreshing when reactiveCustomComponents is enabled.

Keyboard Navigation

To add keyboard navigation to custom detail panels, it must be implemented in the custom Detail Cell Renderer. There are several parts to this:

  1. Create a listener function for the focus event when the custom detail panel receives focus. Within this function, the event object target value is the custom detail row element, and event object relatedTarget value is the previous element that was previously focused on. You will need to find the parent of the relatedTarget with role=row attribute to get the previous row element. With the current row element and the previous row element, checking the row-index attribute allows you to see if the user is entering the focus from the previous or current row (ie, row-index increases or is the same from previous to current) or the next row (ie, row-index decreases from previous to current). With this knowledge, you can set focus using element.focus() on the relevant element in your custom detail panel
  2. Attach the above function to a focus listener on the eParentOfValue param value in the component initialisation
  3. Remove the above function from the focus listener in the component destroy or unmount method

The following example shows an implementation of keyboard navigation in a custom detail panel:

  • Click a cell in the Mila Smith master row and press ⇥ Tab key to move focus to the custom detail panel inputs of the Mila Smith master row.
  • Click a cell in the Evelyn Taylor master row and press ⇧ Shift+⇥ Tab to focus the inputs in the custom detail panel of the Mila Smith master row.

This example is illustrative of the main concepts, but the actual implementation of custom keyboard navigation will vary based on the specific custom detail panel.